Calypso attends Flame 2024 in Amsterdam

Held from April 23rd to 25th, the Flame Conference2024 emerged as a significant event in the global energy sector, hosted in thevibrant city of Amsterdam. Celebrated for its extensive conferences andexpansive exhibitions, this event drew industry leaders, innovators, andthinkers from across the globe. Notably, Michael Schach, CEO of CalypsoCommodities, delivered his presentation via videoconference, joining otherexperts in discussing the future of energy.

Amsterdam, known for its innovative spirit and richhistory, proved to be an ideal setting for Flame 2024. The city’s dedication toambitious sustainability projects and green energy initiatives underscores itscommitment to advancing modern technology and environmental stewardship.Hosting an event like Flame highlights Amsterdam's pivotal role in leadingglobal energy discussions.

Calypso Commodities' Strategic Contributions to Energy's Future

Calypso Commodities is developing AI-based solutionsfor LNG scheduling, trading & shipping optimisation, saving millions of USDand GHG emissions. Calypso’s X-LNG is globally used by energy majors,utilities, and hedge funds to optimise LNG tanker schedules & portfolios,value optionalities, and make trading decisions. As the global demand for LNG continuesto rise, the relevance of these technologies has become increasingly critical. Duringhis videoconference presentation, Michael spoke about the decarbonisation of LNG shippingand pioneering zero-emission marine fuels.

In addition to Calypso Commodities' contributions,various industry experts shared their perspectives on key topics such as thetransition to renewable energy sources, the role of natural gas in achieving alow-carbon future, and recent technological advancements.

The Energetic Atmosphere of Flame 2024

Flame 2024 was marked by a dynamic atmosphere, withnumerous stands showcasing the latest technologies and services in the gasindustry. The event fostered an environment where innovators and businessleaders could exchange ideas and form partnerships, transforming Flame 2024into a hub of collaboration and opportunity. The energy within the conferencehalls mirrored Amsterdam’s relentless pursuit of innovation and progress.

By hosting Flame 2024, Amsterdam not only provided aplatform for learning and networking but also emphasized the crucial role oftechnology and innovation in shaping the future of the energy sector. Asindustries globally strive to balance efficiency with sustainability, eventslike Flame offer a vision of an energy future that is both sustainable andeconomically viable.

You can find the video of the conference here.


Looking Ahead to Flame 2025

The next Flame Conference is scheduled to take placefrom May 13th to 15th, 2025, once again in Amsterdam. Building on the successesof previous years, this event promises to continue fostering innovation andcollaboration within the energy sector.

Calypso attends Flame 2024 in Amsterdam

Held from April 23rd to 25th, the Flame Conference2024 emerged as a significant event in the global energy sector, hosted in thevibrant city of Amsterdam. Celebrated for its extensive conferences andexpansive exhibitions, this event drew industry leaders, innovators, andthinkers from across the globe. Notably, Michael Schach, CEO of CalypsoCommodities, delivered his presentation via videoconference, joining otherexperts in discussing the future of energy.

Amsterdam, known for its innovative spirit and richhistory, proved to be an ideal setting for Flame 2024. The city’s dedication toambitious sustainability projects and green energy initiatives underscores itscommitment to advancing modern technology and environmental stewardship.Hosting an event like Flame highlights Amsterdam's pivotal role in leadingglobal energy discussions.

Calypso Commodities' Strategic Contributions to Energy's Future

Calypso Commodities is developing AI-based solutionsfor LNG scheduling, trading & shipping optimisation, saving millions of USDand GHG emissions. Calypso’s X-LNG is globally used by energy majors,utilities, and hedge funds to optimise LNG tanker schedules & portfolios,value optionalities, and make trading decisions. As the global demand for LNG continuesto rise, the relevance of these technologies has become increasingly critical. Duringhis videoconference presentation, Michael spoke about the decarbonisation of LNG shippingand pioneering zero-emission marine fuels.

In addition to Calypso Commodities' contributions,various industry experts shared their perspectives on key topics such as thetransition to renewable energy sources, the role of natural gas in achieving alow-carbon future, and recent technological advancements.

The Energetic Atmosphere of Flame 2024

Flame 2024 was marked by a dynamic atmosphere, withnumerous stands showcasing the latest technologies and services in the gasindustry. The event fostered an environment where innovators and businessleaders could exchange ideas and form partnerships, transforming Flame 2024into a hub of collaboration and opportunity. The energy within the conferencehalls mirrored Amsterdam’s relentless pursuit of innovation and progress.

By hosting Flame 2024, Amsterdam not only provided aplatform for learning and networking but also emphasized the crucial role oftechnology and innovation in shaping the future of the energy sector. Asindustries globally strive to balance efficiency with sustainability, eventslike Flame offer a vision of an energy future that is both sustainable andeconomically viable.

You can find the video of the conference here.


Looking Ahead to Flame 2025

The next Flame Conference is scheduled to take placefrom May 13th to 15th, 2025, once again in Amsterdam. Building on the successesof previous years, this event promises to continue fostering innovation andcollaboration within the energy sector.

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